Who We Are

The Legion Foundation BC/Yukon is governed by a Board of Directors that are elected for two-year terms.

Foundation Board

Val MacGregor
Val MacGregorChair, Command Immediate Past President
Craig Thomson
Craig ThomsonDirector, Command President
Glenn Hodge
Glenn HodgeDirector, Command Treasurer
Robert Underhill
Robert UnderhillDirector, Command 1st Vice President
Karen Kuzek
Karen KuzekDirector, Command Vice President
Dale Johnston
Dale JohnstonDirector, Command Vice President
Gary Peters
Gary PetersDirector, Command Chair
Bev Croft
Bev CroftDirector, Zone Commander
Peter McKenna
Peter McKennaDirector, Zone Commander
Norm Scott
Norm ScottDirector, Zone Commander
Cliff Slack
Cliff SlackDirector, Zone Commander
Veronica Brown
Veronica BrownDirector
Michelle Courtney
Michelle CourtneyDirector
Doug Hadley
Doug HadleyDirector

Foundation Staff

Amber Stewart
Amber StewartExecutive Director
Maria Serna
Maria SernaProgram Coordinator, Veterans Homelessness Program
James Williamson
James WilliamsonProgram Coordinator, Veterans Homelessness Program

Local Giving

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